Project Description

Jasa Desain Buku & Ebook F&B Business

The production process when we were creating the ebook are:

Pilot Meeting

We listened and taking notes about your request for design and interactive buttons

Design Moodboard

We develop concept and moodboard design for your book

Design & Interactive Buttons Development

We are designing and adding interactive buttons and media into your ebook


We are doing revisions based on clients request, and the revision was about the color, text and layout

Delivering The Ebook

After we were doing the production process and the final draft is accepted, we are delivering the ebook to our clients

Are you looking for ebook & book design services who is capable to create a huge amount of books in short time? Contact Us

Phone: 0813 8823 9660 / 0812 8905 020

The production process when we were creating the ebook are:

Pilot Meeting

Kami mencatat request terkait desain dan metode interaktif yang diinginkan

Design Moodboard

Kami membuat konsep desain dan moodboard dari konsep yang diberikan

Design & Interactive Buttons Development

Kami membuat desain buku dan implementasi media interaktif di dalam buku


Kami melakukan revisi berdasarkan request dari klien. Biasanya revisi seputar typo, warna dan tombol interaktif 

Delivering The Ebook

Kami mengirimkan final draft sesuai dengan metode dan format file yang telah disepakati bersama

Anda Membutuhkan Jasa Pembuatan Desain Ebook dan Buku yang dapat mengerjakan desain dalam jumlah banyak? Hubungi kami

Phone: 0813 8823 9660 / 0812 8905 020